Lawn Sprinkler Opening/Start Up

Our Lawn Sprinkler Opening/Start Up Service will have your system up and running for the season. Our technicians are fully trained to complete this service and ensure a proper opening/start up.
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Lawn Sprinkler Opening/Start Up Service includes the following tasks:
Properly open and check the main sprinkler valve for leaks.
- Test the lawn sprinkler electrical components.
- Re-adjust all sprinkler heads and check the coverage for any changes due to landscape growth and/or property alterations.
- Check for underground leaks, broken items, and problem areas.*
- Re-program the automatic timer for spring watering.
*Our service technicians will estimate the cost of any repairs that may be needed, and will complete them upon authorization. Most repairs can be completed in the same visit and a second appointment is rarely required.
Start-Up Values / Benefits:
- Lower Water Costs
- Spotting leaks in your system can be difficult when you are not aware of what to look for. Our technicians have experience and training on leak detection. Moreover, by correcting leaks, broken items, and problem areas; we can ensure your system is not wasting excessive amounts of water and adding unnecessary costs to your water bill.
- Lower Re-Landscaping Costs
- Inadequate water due to improper coverage causes landscaping to dry out resulting in yellow/brown grass and dead plant areas. Further, over-saturated areas causes by leaks can lead to lawn fungus, mushrooms, and moss. Our technicians have experience and training on system coverage and leak detection. During your lawn sprinkler opening/start up service, our technicians will ensure that your system is setup to allow for the most adequate and accurate watering possible throughout the season.
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